Habitat for Humanity is a well-known organization in the USA which serves for the society. Unfortunately, it is not popular all over the world as much as it is in the USA even though the organization works hard on it. Actually, they have a really good number of bases all over the world and volunteers. Fortunately, I took a part in this process in Spring Break 2009 (March) with beautiful people in such an exemplary environment. We went down St. Louis Bay to help people who have got damage from 2005 Katrina and built 2 almost completed houses for a teacher who has a little daughter who is one of the sweetest I have ever seen.
Firstly, I should confess that it was one of the greatest experience I had ever had and definitely I will do it again. 5 Students and one faculty from Western Kentucky University took off early in the morning for our long (10 hour driving) trip in a van. Of course there is no need to tell you that it was such a great trip. We got to know each other more and the more we learned, the more we got excited about learning about each other. When we arrived in new Orleans, we could not figure out how fast the time had passed. Actually, we were supposed to be working in St. Louis, but we just wanted to get the chance and see New Orleans which is one of the most beautiful cities in the US and which looks completely like a European city. Almost 200 years ago, Spanish people were settled there, but then the French owned it and lived there until the US bought the city, but when you are taking a walk in the city, you can still see the Spanish and French effect easily and clearly. It was exciting for me not only because of the nice and warm weather, and friendly people, but also because of Jazz music that was started in New Orleans by African American society. Even thought Katrina has made a lot of damage to the city, it is still keeping its beauty with those living there and most importantly with the music playing all around you and surrounding you as a warm blanket.
We arrived in New Orleans late at the night and were starving to death. As you can expect, we did not want to waste time and jumped in the middle of Bourbon Street that is the most popular street in New Orleans. We found a restaurant which served mostly sea food but really good one:) I tried Alligator meat and Turtle soup the first time in my life. It was scary at first, but after first chew, I realized how delicious both of them were and I could not stop myself eating and trying something new more and more, even Horse Reddish, which is like a meal that you can only find in the hell because it is too spicy. My friends preferred teasing me and they did not say anything about how bad it was and let me try a big spoon of Horse Reddish. I will never forget that day and especially the pain that I had after the first spoon. I am warning those who do not know anything about Horse Reddish. It is like a strong weapon. Please do not try it :) After eating something, we headed back to Bourbon Street and found an open jazz bar and got our drinks. It was like a decorated garden for tourists, so you can sit around the jazz musicians and listen to them really close. I felt like that I was in a dream because they were really good at playing by ear and improvising the music. Of course, it was not enough for me, so I had to find another jazz bar and I did it:) It was an old bar which had a small stage, a quite large bar and a lot of small tables. For short, it was such a jazz atmosphere that has popped up form 1920s. We spent pretty good time over there, and of course Irish Coffee that I had that night helped me a lot enjoy my time:)
On Sunday, it was time to leave this beautiful city for St. Louis Bay. We took a short city tour and checked some famous parts of it, had our Italian style delicious ice-cream, and headed to the place where we were going to stay at and work with other volunteers for Habitat for Humanity. New Orleans and Bay Area are really close to each other, so it did not take a long time and we arrived there early in the afternoon. We unpacked and relaxed the rest of the day. Let me tell you something my friends!!! Definitely, we needed that rest after a crazy night in New Orleans:)
On Monday we got up early in the morning, had our first breakfast at that place, packed our lunch and headed to the construction field where we were supposed to work. When we arrived there, we realized that we were not the only volunteers:) Fortunately, there were a lot, some of them were from American Corps, but most of them were from different states and collages. I made a lot of good friends over there, but especially we, my team friends from WKU and I, made our friendship stronger. I think we shared something important and precious for all of us and we are still keeping that special feeling alive. Habitat for Humanity usually builds several kinds of houses and they have the styles, so it is really easy for them to set them up, but we had to figure out what and how they were doing that, and it did not take a long time for us. For 5 days we worked hard without stopping. I was admired the cooperation and the ambition of all of the volunteers. I wish every job could be done with the same excitement. Friends, I am definitely challenging you to do something like that even just for one week. I am 100% sure that you are going to experience something great and something that can not be explained, but can be feelt. If you click this link, it will lead you to the official website of Habitat for Humanity and you can learn more about it. Also, you can reach all of the pictures taken by a professional photographer working for the organization and share them with your friends.
I have uploaded the pictures that I took on the work side in St. Louis and in New Oleans, so I would like you to take a look at this link.
Have a great life friends and I hope you can experience this great feeling at least once in your lives. It is the feeling of helping people and realizing that you are something and that you can not change the whole world once, but at least you can try and you can take one more step in changing the world in a better way.
Thank you for checking my blog.
So long.